IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids
11-13 November 2020 // Virtual Conference

Student-Industry-Faculty Interaction (SIFI) Session

Our full detailed program is now here --

Friday, 13 November 2020

Time: 18:30 – 19:20 UTC

In this session, groups of 4-5 students will be mentored by young professionals from industry as well as academia regarding career prospects in their respective fields. The goal is to give students insight into the most essential qualifications (technical as well as managerial) that the young professionals feel is needed for early-career success

The plan is to pair up 2 individuals in each breakout room (so, if we have 8 individuals signed up for this event, then we will have 4 break-out rooms), and students will move from one break-out room to the other to interact with them over the period of this session.
